11pm last night: Finally got everyone settled in. Spides got a fever. Diva has a cold. Time for bed. Whats that? Daddy told Spidey he could sleep in our bed? Well, Id prefer not, but since you already told him, off to Spideys bed I go!
12am: Diva finally falls asleep.
1am: Diva wakes up for the first of 92381207401284 times. Coughing quite a bit.
630am: Perfect time to get up for the day you say? Sure, I guess theres not much choice there. No bottle, toy, tv show etc can keep Ms Princess from fussing til mommy wakes up.
7am: While going in to wake daddy up for work I catch the unmistakable odor of pee. Please let that me a dirty diaper I forgot to take out of my bedroom last night. NOPE! Thats definately (at least one) bedwetting. ::sigh::
I started my day off calling the wahmbulance. Not fair that its not even 9am after no sleep and all this has already happened! Well, I might as well just suck it up. I run a bath and go to wake Spidey up. When I get into my bedroom, hes up playing with his little sister (who I put in bed next to him while I started the bath). I hear him say "no, you dont want a baba? how about a tickle rib?! yes, yes you do want a tickle rib!" I giggle and pop in. He asks me if Im mad he wet the bed. I tell him no. He says "good, cause I really really love you sooo much!". Such a smooth talker. In comes Funny. Who is Funny you ask? Funny is our kitten. Spideys Elf on a Shelf brought him Christmas Eve. Spidey named him, cause, well he is funny looking. (DUH!) Hes walking a bit weird. Upon further inspection, seems like funny wanted to see what all the commotion in the bathtub was and fell in. (this is after falling in the toilet yesterday haha). Something tells me he wont be so curious anymore! Once I explained to Spidey why Funny looked funny, we both started cracking up, which in turn created a chain reaction with Diva. Now its 9am and Im laughing!
God has a funny way of telling us not to sweat the small stuff. Today, He did that by making Funny fall into the bathtub (teehee). So I took Monday by the kahunas and ran with them! Both kids bathed: check! Fed: check! Happy: check check! Mommy bathed, fed and happy: check, check and 3/4 check! Okkkkkk check check check! (I couldnt quite shake the giggles after the bathtub incident)
Turns out both kids just have a virus (I really dont like that word, I think its the go-to for ihavenoideawhatswrongwithyourkid). McDonalds for lunch and came home to a gift from a wonderful friend: Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. Starting tonight! (good thing I got my last Mcd's in!) If Im feeling super ambitious Maybe Ill post my before pics (hahaha yea, who am I kidding??). My goal is to lose 30lbs by summer. Lets see if I can do it!
Hope everyone enjoys their Monday! And remember, dont sweat the small stuff, its all small stuff!

Great thoughts, Kristin! The best antidote for almost anything is laughter. Love the wet kitty!
ReplyDeleteMuch love,
Thanks for joining Mailbox Monday- I'm a confirmed email subscriber.
I'm going to just be hopping all day, so you may find me back again LOL
Hi! Found you on Good Friends Just Click! I'm following you on GFC and would love for you to check out my blog and follow back! :)
ReplyDeleteI've got fun giveaways right now and LOTS more coming! I hope you check it out :)
I have no idea where I found you! But I am SOOO glad I did!! loved the post! still laughing! Love laughter, especially with kiddos and pets!
ReplyDeletecome see me, I'll work on my 'funny'! I really can be...