Ive been busy getting my husbands business up and running, and hadnt had time to write. I had a whole bunch of things that I wanted to write about even.
Then I found out some news that hit me like a mack truck. My cousins 4 year old son passed away.
He got caught in an escalator at the mall, and was thrown from the 2nd floor to the 1st. He suffered severe head trauma, and within 24 hours, died from his injuries. The stories reported on the web do not state all of the facts. The comments left on some of these stories have literally made me sick. People placing blame on his mother, my cousin. Saying she should have been watching him. She was RIGHT THERE. Accidents can happen in the blink of an eye. Any of us with children know this especially.
Turns out, 2 inspectors have been suspended without pay, because they did not properly inspect the escalator. There was a gap on the top (the one he was pulled through) that measured 6 1/4", as opposed to the maximum allowed 5". There should have been a barrier there to protect something like this from happening. But there wasnt. And now my family has lost a child.
I have been having a very difficult time with this. I havent been able to sleep much. If the nightmares dont keep waking me, its the constant need to check on the kids. This is every parents worst nightmare. Im brought to tears multiple times a day. Marky was only 6mos older then Spidey, and if you look at his picture, you will see how unbelievable the resemblance between them was.
My cousin donated Markys organs. In her worst time made the most unselfish act any mother can & donated her babys organs to those in need. While she received the worst call a mother can... dozens received the call they were waiting for.
Mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, grandmas and grandpas, uncles aunts and friends - Hug your babies. You never know when it may be the last time. Dont hold grudges. Life is too short. Petty things arent worth fighting or not speaking to a loved one.
RIP Marky, you have lots of people to protect you up there, and keep an eye on us down here.
UPDATE FROM HIS MOTHER: "That was just beautiful Kristin. Thank you so much! I found out today that Mark's heart went to an 8 year old boy and they found recipients for his kidneys and liver. While I am sitting here grieving, 3 mothers are holding their babies with a brighter future. Marky lives on...